Concept of 5S and Indian Culture

Posted on: August 7th, 2017  /  By:  /  Posted in: 5S, Seiri , Seiton , Seiso , Seiketsu and Shitsuke  /  Comment: 5

    5s-1 5S is the list of 5 Japanese words Seiri , Seiton , Seiso , Seiketsu  and Shitsuke which means sort , set in order , shine , standardize and sustain respectively. These 5S concept use to keep the work place effective for its use and work place efficiency can be improved. When we take the closure look of 5S, we find that this concept is very well interrelated to the cleanness in India culture in pan India. Though 5S concept start to use in industry or can say organization to keep work place healthy and reduce the delays because of repeated works involve. The 5S concept has been elaborated here in brief to get essence of concept, we find that it start from first S is SERI  which is related to sorting of sorting of goods and bad , useful and un-useful or can say necessary and unnecessary items or things and further prevent accumulation of these unnecessary items. The second S is SEITON, here we set the necessary items in the order and arrange in the way one can find quickly and easily. The third step is SEISO, this step involves cleaning of workplace at regular frequency and this activity prevents workplace from deterioration. The fourth step is SEIKETSUKE, which have meaning standardizing, nothing but the use of the best practices to keep the work place maintained. Last and fifth step is SHITSUKE which means sustain what we did in one to four steps, so that same will be maintain on regular basis. With all above 5S activity, visual controls are very much part of 5S and the way in which this visual control are maintained in 5S in the same way same visuals are made in Indian culture. Like demarcation of walk ways with yellow color, in same manner yellow color are use in on the door step of houses with use of turmeric powder for yellowness. door yellow In the same way in any door step cleanliness can be seen from the beautiful colorful rangolies in front of houses. images Also, if in particular, we study in village, we can find inside and outside wall of houses are decorated with different type of paintings. village-house If we can see both 5S Japanese concept and Indian culture if we make as one concept and applied this in our day to life not only on organization but mainly in day to day activity in social life this will make a big impact in change. One of the best example for the use of combine concept of 5S and Indian culture is Shree Gajanan Maharaj sansthan , Shegaon, Maharashtra , India. The use of combine concept here at sansthan and its results cannot be put in words and one has to visit sansthan to take it’s feel. By the way, at last I feel and worth here to mention, this concept of combining 5S and Indian culture and can be use very well in “Swachh Bharat Abhiyan” to keep our places clean and shine in India.