28th Annual Chapter Convention on Quality Concepts (CCQC 2017) by QCFI Nagpur Chapter

Posted on: October 12th, 2017  /  By:  /  Posted in: #QUALiTYViVA, 5S, Kaizen, QCFI, Quality  /  Comment: 1

QCFI Nagpur Chapter organized 28th Annual Chapter Convention on Quality Concepts (CCQC) on Sunday, 8th October, 2017 at Hotel Centre Point, Ramdaspeth Nagpur. The Theme:“Quality Concepts: Creating Value to the Society”. Presentation was made by 101 teams from different 40 companies and industries on the day. The convention was attended by more than 500 participants. In morning, function inaugurated by the hand of Mr. UC Deveshwar , Chairman ,QCFI Nagpur with presence of Mr.G Murli Vice Chairman , Mr.Amol Joshi Secretary , Mr.Vishwash Badkas ,Joint Secretary and Ms.Manju Shrivastava. Innura-1 Audiance-2 The different competition are organised on, QC Case Studies, Kaizen, 5S, PokaYoke, Knowledge Test, Poster Competition, Slogan and poem competition. Presentation was given by team members. presentation The valedictory sessions was followed by, first, presentation on 5S concept applied successfully at home by employee and their family member of Solar Industries India Limited, Nagpur and 5S at home-4 secondly, team of IndoRama Synthetics India Limited, Butibori, Nagpur, presented song on safety with demonstration of importance of safety. Safety song -3 Valedictory sessions address by Mr.Roy Thomas , Unit Head CEAT , Nagpur , Mr.Mukul Dixit, President, Indorama ,Mr. AK Jain Executive Director Solar Ind, and  chief guest Mr.Adya Prasad , Executive Director , Uttam Value Steel Limited. Vote of thanks given by Mr.PK Jha. valid-6 The winner teams are awarded with Gold, Silver medal and Rolling Trophy.