100 years of quality

Posted on: November 11th, 2019  /  By:  /  Posted in: #QUALiTYViVA, 5S, 7 QC Tools, 8 Wastage, ISO 9001:2015, ISO/IEC 17025:2017, Kaizen, QCI, QMS, Quality, World Standard Day, WQD2019, WSD2018  /  Comment: 0

100 years of quality, #CQIat100 is theme for this year celebration of World Quality Day, #WQD2019.

The reason behind this theme is, Chartered Quality Institute, CQI is celebrating its centenary this year. The Chartered Quality Institute (CQI) is the professional body for experts in quality management With 19,000 members located in 130 countries.

World Quality Day is celebrated annually on the second Thursday in November so this year this will be celebrate on Thursday 14 November 2019.

CQI Quote,

“We are proud to celebrate our compelling story and the lasting impact of the quality management discipline on advancing society in the last 100 years”

Fuelled by the desire to improve the production of unreliable munitions after the First World War, our original members established the Technical Inspection Association in 1919. One hundred years later, their passion for providing trusted products and services endures because of the outstanding work of quality professionals every day.

The quality profession has empowered organisations to succeed, regardless of their sector and across all geographies. Quality has made significant contributions to advancements in healthcare, manufacturing, construction, energy, defence and transportation.


QAULiTYVIVA is a proud supporter of World Quality Day, #WQD2019

Proud Supporter

Vincent Desmond, CEO of the CQI said:

Description: Vincent Desmond

“Our centenary is a great opportunity to celebrate the CQI, but also to promote the benefit that quality management and the quality profession have provided society during the past 100 years. As with any significant birthday, our centenary is an opportunity to consider not only the past, but also what the future might hold. Just consider how the world has changed since 1919 and how the quality management discipline has responded. I am sure that the founding members of what was originally constituted as the Technical Inspection Association would not recognise our world of global trade, technology and radically different social norms. And I suspect they would be amazed to see how the quality profession’s scope and toolkit have expanded to cope with those changes.”


1919: The Technical Inspection Association (TIA) forms

1922: The TIA becomes the Institution of Engineering Inspection (IEI)

1944: The IEI evacuates its headquarters from London to Bath during the war

1972: The IEI rebrands as the Institute of Quality Assurance (IQA)

1984: The Register of Lead Assessors is created and evolves to the International Register of Certificated Auditors (IRCA) within the next decade

1989: IQA celebrates the first World Quality Day on 9 November 1989

2006: The IQA is awarded Royal Charter status

2007: The IQA reforms as the Chartered Quality Institute

2014: The institute creates the innovative CQI Competency Framework based on governance, assurance and improvement

2017: The CQI launches the inaugural International Quality Awards


Source: https://www.quality.org/